Document management

Here are our answers to the most frequently asked questions about JioSign

You can search a document by simply filling in the relevant document name, email or phone number in the search bar inside the ‘view document’ section and pressing enter.

2. How can I filter documents in a business account?

Click on the filter button next to the search bar. Once the filter option is open, you can filter documents by filling in the below fields:

Note that you can fill in the dates in the search panel by typing in dd-mm-yyyy format or by choosing the date from the calendar. Also, if multiple fields are filled in the search panel, search results will include only those documents that satisfy all the criteria.

3. Who has access to my documents on JioSign?

Any document on JioSign can only be accessed by the document owner (the person who created the document on JioSign) and participants that were added by that document owner for that particular document (note that participants could also be non-signatory participants as added by the document owner).

4. As a document owner, can I remove a participant if they have already signed the document?

You cannot remove a participant if they have already signed the document. However, you can remove a participant before they sign the document, and the document will not be visible or available for download to them after you remove them. But if the participant has downloaded a copy of the document before you removed it, then they will have access to that copy.

5. Can I delete my documents from JioSign?

Yes, it is possible to delete a document from JioSign. If it’s a document with valid signatures, we suggest downloading the document for future reference before deleting it from JioSign.

  • Document owner – the user who uploaded the original document can always delete the document from JioSign. Keep in mind that if the owner deletes the document, it becomes unavailable for all users added to that document, even if they have already signed it.
  • Participant – the user who has been added to the document (as a signatory or non-signatory) by the document owner can delete the document from their account. In this case, the document remains accessible to the document owner and other participants of that document.
6. Is it possible to restore a deleted document?

If a document owner deletes a document, it is not possible to restore it. We strongly suggest downloading any documents you have signed on JioSign for future reference.

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