Streamline your signing process with JioSign’s powerful features

Flexibility of multiple legally binding signature methods


OTP-based eSignature uses a one-time password (OTP) to verify signers’ identities and ensure that your e-signed documents are legally valid and enforceable.

DSC token

A digital signature certificate (DSC) is the alternative to your signature in every situation – any document you can sign in writing can be signed with a DSC token.

Document signer

Document Signer allows you to automate the bulk signing of documents without relinquishing any security or trust.

JioSign offers multiple signature methods for your every business need. All methods are legally binding in India and worldwide.

Create efficiency with powerful productivity features

Our productivity-enhancing features are designed to take the extra burden of repetitive work out of your hands. You’ll save time, reduce errors, and increase efficiency.

Document routing

Customizable routing rules allow you to create document review and approval workflows that match your business processes.

Bulk actions

You can easily send documents to multiple signers, send large volumes of documents, or complete the signing process for a group of documents all in one go.


With the templates feature, you can create and reuse standard documents that must be signed often.

Auto reminders

You can set specific auto-reminders to ensure your signing process stays on track and eliminates the need for manual follow-up.

Bulk DSC signing

Bulk signing with a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) streamlines the signing process for multiple documents simultaneously, enhancing efficiency while maintaining the highest level of legal validity.

Collaborate with your team by using Business Accounts

Our Business Account feature allows your whole team to work together using the same workflows, templates and documents while maintaining the utmost security and control.

Access control and groups

Maintain the utmost security and privacy of your most important documents.

Sharing documents and templates

Improve team productivity and maintain your brand identity.


Gain valuable insight to improve productivity and guarantee compliance with internal procedures.

Automate digital signing using JioSign API

Integrate digital signing into your existing applications or workflows with the JioSign API to improve productivity and reduce manual errors.

Effortless integration
Sandbox for rapid prototyping:
Tamper evident

Any unauthorized changes in your document after signing will be clearly indicated, ensuring that your document remains protected and legally binding.

Audit trail

The audit trail provides a comprehensive record of all actions taken with your document, including who and when signed, and any associated data.

ISO 27001

We adhere to the highest global standards for information security.

SOC audited

Our SOC-compliant data center ensures the highest level of compliance in all relevant areas — security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality and privacy.

Advanced security and trust measures for your peace of mind

Secure e-signing with enterprise-grade security, safeguarding every document and signature. Trustworthy, tamper-proof, and legally binding. Sign documents with peace of mind.

Ready to try JioSign now?

Convenient and secure digital signing with JioSign

Simple setup
No credit card required
Start signing immediately
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